
Check out our media page to see interviews, site reviews & more!

Community Support

We are passionate about kink in both our personal and professional lives, all of us at Erotication have a strong commitment to supporting BDSM & sex positive communities & organizations. This takes form in a variety of ways, and we invite you to be a part of it!

Free Clips

We are proud to feature important academic information alongside our hands-on fun stuff. Our free clip page is a constantly growing resource for accurate health and law issues pertaining to sexuality. We also use this space to introduce our members to quality vendors as well as share video coverage of our fabulously fun events.

On going Educator Support

It can be difficult to find paying venues as a kink or sex educator and we at Erotication believe in offering a variety of ways for our educators to profit from their knowledge and experience. We pay an excellent rate for content without infringing on the educators copyrights, and create on-going revenue through our exclusive affiliate program.

Community Video Projects

Kink Academy has offered its video production capabilities for live event coverage, vendor promotions, fundraisers, and organization campaigns. Here are a few examples of our community video projects:

CARAS Alternative Sexuality Conference 2013

CARAS Alternative Sexuality Conference 2011

IMsL 25th Anniversary Event

Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance “Sexual Freedom Day/Gala” 2011

Lee Harrington Keynote at Transcending Boundaries, Series 1-4

Save Wicked Grounds!

Guided Tour through SF Citadel

Coming out Kinky by Princess Kali

Coming Out into the Scene

Events & Organizations

As devout kinksters, the Erotication Team recognizes the importance of supporting our communities. Our support has been offered to various events, groups and groundbreaking individuals that Kink Academy has sponsored and promoted via video coverage, marketing assistance, monetary contributions, volunteers, classes, and free events.